Школа Характерника


Козак Василь та Побратим

Характерник — характер — сила Волі, сила Особистості, Самодостатності, Самовизначеності.
Характерник має власну Стратегію життя, свій Шлях.
Особиста сила Характерника — це той внутрішній Вихор в животі, який дає можливість йти своїм Шляхом впевнено та бездоганно….
Реалізація себе в будь-якій сфері життя, МАЙСТЕРНІСТЬ… Читать далее

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Пропала Грамота

грамотаВаріація трьох версій…
Великий Гоголь — ТВІР. Іван Миколайчук — РОЛЬ у фільмі. Сьогодення — і МАЙБУТТЯ.
Діючі Особи:
ВАСИЛЬ - козак, Чиста душа, в Білому одязі та на Чорному коні.
ПОБРАТИМ - той, що доповнює Василя. В Чорному одязі та на Білому коні.
ЖІНКА - дружина Василя, вона ж Господиня Пекла, вона ж Цариця.
ОДАРКА - молода Дівчина, вона ж молода Відьма, вона ж Кохана Побратима.
ЗЛИЙ ЧОРТ - він же Зрадник рідної землі, яничарин, він же Брат старости, він же Пан, він же Фаворит цариці.
ДОБРИЙ ЧОРТ - Характерник, який завжди допомагає Василю… Сам по собі… Камінь при Дорозі…
ХЛОПЧИНА - наше МАЙБУТТЯ!.. Читать далее

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Who is Sergii Grynevych?

avatar_grinBelologist-scientist, founder of the scientific-practical center for the development of man and his outlook at the University of Lviv Stavropigion. On the basis of this center, the first sprout of activity in 2019 became the School of Self-sufficiency.
As a healer he had practicing with people since 1990. This practice formed the basis of the study of the nature of the physiology of Man, her healing, which he describes in a series of works entitled “The World of Man.” Читать далее

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Massage system of Sergey Grinevich

masligToday I will show you a massage system using natural oils, which I talked about in the last video.
So, the first step: evenly apply oil-balm on the back, after warming it a little in your hands.
It is important to evenly distribute the oil throughout the massaged area and allow the skin to begin to absorb it. Let the patient feel his penetration, his character and his potential.
Step Two. Warm the skin, knead the muscles and prepare them for the main process. Movements can be arbitrary. The task is to increase blood circulation in the tissues so that the oil-balm penetrates deeper into the tissues and reveals the location of problems, i.e. accumulation of slag. Читать далее

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Neck massage

masligToday I’ll show you how I do neck massage.
You need to know that neck massage is advisable only after did a back massage. I already spoke about this in the previous video.
0.17 We start to apply oil … Evenly distribute it on the surface …
The importance of neck massage is that we open free inflow and outflow blood to the head, and also improve the outflow of lymph from all tissues of the head.
Plus, we improve brain function and enable nervous tension go down to the spinal cord, freeing the head from unnecessary problems …
Fatigue, headaches, increased intracranial pressure, problems vision and hearing — all this will leave you if you periodically give yourself such a massage … Читать далее

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What is Psoriasis and how to get rid of it

maslig- We all know what mistletoe is. This is a parasitic plant that feeds on the sap of trees and gradu-ally kills them, taking away the sap.
In the same way, Psoriasis takes away the strength of the human body and gradually leads to premature aging.
Why did I cite mistletoe as an example? Читать далее

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Why massage should be started from the back?

masligWe have such a “unit” called the autonomic nervous system.
And it, our autonomic nervous system, works independently of our brain, regardless of our con-sciousness.
All our sensitivity and responses to nerve impulses are controlled by consciousness.
But, as experiments have shown, in the body there are many physiological processes that are completely beyond the control of consciousness and are regulated exclusively by the autonomic nervous system!
These are all types of metabolic processes, absorption and excretion, secretion, permeability of cell membranes, cardiovascular regulation and much much more.
To put it simply, but a little rudely, it will be like this: if you separate your head from the body, then, provided that there is support for the supply of food and air to the body, lungs and stomach, it will continue to function normally.
Therefore, all of us, in order to maintain stable health, must first of all provide him with this streamlined and independent activity from our consciousness.
And for this we have a wonderful remedy — back massage, from which we should start healing for any violations in our health!


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Natural oils “Grinevich’s Balm”

maslig- Massage is wonderful. This is useful and pleasant, but if this massage is done with natural oil, then this further enhances the effect. Starting in 1990, I use oils for work. I make them from fresh flowers of wild medicinal plants.
- What is their special strength? — You ask.
My answer is: First: I use wild medicinal plants, their flowers or inflorescences. They grow in secluded corners of central Ukraine, so they have absorbed all the strength and power of fertile black soil places. Due to this, they, specially prepared by me, have a wonderful ability to influence our body with four levels of exposure.
Secondly: I have my own recipe for making, which I “heard” directly from them, herbs.
As it was, described in one of the chapters of the book «Secrets of a gray-haired healer.»
And thirdly: it is important which hands will rub them.
If the hands of a person with a soul, then the herbs will manifest themselves as efficiently as pos-sible.
If a person without love is in his heart, the oils will not be fully revealed and the effect will not be big …
So, my oils are from wild plants, using special manufacturing technology, plus they love when they are rubbed by a person with a heart, with a sympathy for the patient …
And more … Four levels of exposure to these oils. What are these levels?
The first level: trace elements, vitamins and saturated fatty acids, which are easily
absorbed by the skin and penetrate well into the intercellular space.
And already there, in the Intracellular Space (IS), acids dissolve deposits of slag,
and trace elements and vitamins participate in important metabolic processes.
Second level: magnetic field of oil. This is the force that can strengthen the protective
properties of the body by influencing the human magnetic field and stimulating its strengthening.
I will tell you exactly how this happens in the topic “Human nature”.
Third level: radiation that comes from oil.
This is quantum radiation, the energy of the sun, which acts like radon baths.
Small doses of such radiation help to cinder the deposits accumulated in the bones and periosteum.
And this improves their functioning and optimizes the functioning of the immune system.
After all, primary lymphocytes, the basis of cellular and humoral immunity, are formed precisely in the bones, in the bone marrow.
About it as well, over time, I will tell in more detail.
Fourth level of exposure: this is a special phylogenetic force.
What is it?
If you are not aware of quantum physics, then I’ll say simply: such a force is able to influence
the Cell at the genetic level, i.e. in our simple version — to repair disorders in the cell nucleus and to positively influence tissue regeneration.
This means, to put it simply and clearly: such oil is able to rejuvenate cells, revive tissues and help restore those body functions that, at first glance, are already irretrievably lost.
A miracle, you say, isn’t it?
You can laugh and not believe it. And you can pick up this balm and try …
From the ninetieth year to this day, it has not failed me or my patients …
I and my followers do not use other oils …
Who wants to try their effect on themselves — write, contact.
In general, I said about Oils.
And next time I’ll talk about the principle of rubbing these balsam oils, and show in the next video how this is done in practice.
Thanks friends. Until we meet again.


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How to Prevent Tumor Development

maslig- We humans are the complex community of Cells to be friends with.
- To be friends for what?
- In order for the Cells also be friends with us and not suit us unpleasant surprises in the form of the formed Tumors.
- And how do we behave so that they do not make such surprises?
- It is necessary to provide them proper and decent intercellular space for their healthy function-ing.
- How to provide them with this healthy functioning?
- First of all: an unhindered and stable supply of nutrients substances and oxygen. Then: unhin-dered and stable breeding out products of their livelihoods.
- Unobstructed and stable …
- And this means fighting for the purity of lymph, for the purity of the intercellular space, do constant body cleansing through physiotherapeutic procedures. And to ensure the regulation of their growth and reproduction, so that earlier time they, the Cells, did not share and did not violate the integrity of our organism. Otherwise, there is a threat of their uncontrolled growth and breeding, that is the threat of Cancer …
- And what about heredity?
- Not Cancer is transmitted by heredity, but the weakness of certain body systems. The cell is independent in its development, and does not suffer because of its internal flaws, but because of a violation of the general functioning of the body.
- How to warn Cancer?
- The question is not simple … First of all, you need to make friends with the Cells as those, because they are the bricks of Life in the Universe … You need to know how they are arranged and what they need for complete Happiness.
“And how are they arranged?” “And what do they need for complete Happiness?”
- I intend to tell you about this in my future reports …
Watch the following videos in the “Cell and Intercellular Playlist Space”, listen and think …
The path is short, but worth it …


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Age Transition Disease

maslig- Depression, feeling unnecessary, increased fatigue,
irritability, loss of faith in people, and sometimes in yourself …
- What happened? Why is that?
- A terrible thing — SDS, Spiritual Deficiency Syndrome … Transition Disease Age.
We understand that any changes in situations in the Biosphere, in Socium and in the climate is characterized by a weakening of the body’s defenses:
it takes a lot to survive the crisis. And as a result — ours weakness and our dissatisfaction with life … Читать далее

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