- You came for a massage to the Master, who applies
natural oil made from fresh medicinal flowers
- And if I want just a massage, without these oils?
- You can wash the dishes in the kitchen only with warm water, or
adding detergent to it. What to choose? Читать далее
Three principles of physiotherapy
Three principles of physiotherapy,
that help us to improv the intercellular space:
1. The principle of diffusion
2. The principle of blood flow through the vessels
3. The principle of compliance zones
According to these principles, not only soft tissues are cleaned, but also
bones, joints, or any other parts of the body, organ systems.
Cleaning takes place due to the nature of diffusion. If we cleanse for example, muscle, when we do massage — the blood accelerates and clears muscle tissue massaged by us. But in joints, tendons and bones
«dirt» remains deep, we can’t easily get it. Practicing massage 2-3 times a week, - it takes some time between sessions, — and due to diffusion, “dirt” is drawn into this purified muscle tissue
adjacent tendons, joints and even bones. And with each massage we cleanse bones,
tissues or organ systems more and more: they become HEALTHY.
This is the first principle of Personal Physiotherapy — diffusion …
The second principle is the speed of blood flow through the vessels;
it comes from the field of physics, and explains why diffusion draws toxins and how it is done.
It is this principle that shows why chemicals work worse, less effective than massage.
If, for example, there is a “slagged” bone or organ, and there is a serious disease of the bone marrow or other organ, this means that there the capillaries and intercellular space are clogged with slag and there is no normal movement of fluids and blood exchange. In this case, an intravenous injection and chemical pills will be ineffective. Because this «chemistry» only moves
through the bloodstream, where there is a normal movement of fluids, and makes an effect only there. But ignorant doctors will not tell you this, but they will prescribe various pharmacological drugs, as a last resort.
Because for medicine «spoiled» by rationalism, natural methods of physiotherapy are financially disadvantageous …
You are their client forever, they think so.
And you can get better from massage and not get sick anymore.
You feel good, they are financially unprofitable …
Now we will consider the mechanism of this action in practice:
When we massage healing oil-balms into the skin with a massage, the blood accelerates and the tissue reddens. The large vessels of a particular part of the body are made up of smaller veins and arteries.
An artery delivers blood to this area, and a vein catches it back.
Thus, the speed of blood movement increases from massage in those places that are massaged, and where the active cleansing of the intercellular space began under the influence of oils — fatty acids.
If in the first zone of the body the blood speed is large, and in the second, combining with the first, there are congestion jams, then due to an increase in speed (the law of physics, pressure difference), where there is a high speed — there is less pressure.
And in that zone of the vessel where the pressure is less, a vacuum is created that starts to “suck” stagnant plugs from those areas of the body where there is no normal blood movement.
Under normal conditions, this will never happen from pills, drugs, injections !!!. Because
they all act only where there is normal pressure and the usual movement of blood.
And the “massage-oil stretching by vacuum” begins to cleanse primarily the bone and bone mar-row, which is very important for the good functioning of the immune system (there will be detailed material about this).
And in exactly the same way the internal organs are purified.
For example, if we start massaging the zone of projection of the kidneys and disperse the blood there, in this zone (Zakharinyi-Geda zone) blood moves faster and begins to increase the movement of blood in the kidney itself!
Examining this, I realized how important my Self-Discovery is to healing a person and his Per-sonal Physiotherapy.
It turned out to be so simple and logical … And for a long time I didn’t understand why no one saw it and didn’t see it …
Or it’s just not financially profitable for those who are greedy … But people are dying …
And you can save them, if you really use this mechanism,
the name of which I jokingly gave «Grinevich’s postulate.»
And the arteries and veins that are connected to the organ, they are also connected to those arteries and veins that are suitable for the projection of the zone of this organ in the human body.
So if we accelerate the movement with massage oils blood in this separate zone of blood flow, then we automatically strengthen in the internal organs themselves, which are combined by a common large artery and large vein.
This principle applies in all areas of projection of organs: liver, brain, ears, eyes, etc.
That is, without urgent urgent need, we do not need to operate, poison with chemistry and volun-tarily destroy our immune system.
For recovery, we can choose the path of Personal physiotherapy, in theory, relying on the action of the above Three Principles.
This is the Miracle of Healing, the Miracle of Healing, the basic principles of which you now know, my Dear Listeners …
What is unique about Massage
- We have already talked about the benefits of natural movements that promote fluid circulation in the body. This can be called natural circulation. But there is also forced circulation.
- Why is it needed? – You ask.
- I will say this: the natural circulation caused by ordinary movements, exercises or dances – supports our health. But, if we start to rub it (Health), we need forced circulation.
- What is it, you ask?
- I will answer. Diseases are mainly the result of stagnation in certain parts of our body. The accumulation of lactic acids, salts and waste products of microorganisms inside our tissues – this is it, the main cause of physical ailments and diseases.
- And what to do, you ask, to get rid of these stagnations? Читать далее
Simple and Complex
- You will say: everything is too simple. I do not believe.
- I will say: Strength is in Simplicity … Both Strength and Truth.
- You say: I do not believe.
- I will say: Goethe in her Faust says this: “Confuse the crowd, misled, otherwise, believe me, it is difficult to please”. … That’s it …
… Whoever leads a person away from simplicity into complexity, confuses him, and, as Goethe’s philosopher says, he is misleading …
- You say: Yeah, so we are a crowd, misled ?!
- I will say: the crowd is that part of people that does not want, or does not want to think …
Those who prefer to think are self-sufficient, therefore they do not allow themselves to be confused, mislead. And he who thinks loves and prefers that which is understandable, usually and simply …
As one of Makarevich’s songs says:
«…the world is made up of many simple Things …
…love rules the World…
… life is peculiar to the world …» (Andrey Makarevich)
The healing power of water
- Water is an amazing Healer.
We approach the Spring, take off our shoes and walk barefoot into the water …
Next: you need to say hello to the Spring. You can mentally.
Next: you need to feel the healing power of the cool spring Water.
We stand, concentrate on our feet and feel. You can cover your eyes.
Next: you need to wash your face with this Water. We wash ourselves. You can – with your head.
Next: you need to drink this Water. We are drinking. From the palm. We feel the taste.
Next: you need to ask the Source to save us from disease. Please. Mentally…
Further: you need to thank the Source for your favor to us.
Thanks to Water. You can mentally.
Having enjoyed communication with the Source Spring, we leave …
About the benefits of the Movement
- I look at the plot and record it on a smartphone: the horse grazes, picks weed …
Then a bird will sit on the horse’s back and will catch flies … Flies that fed on the horse’s blood…
A horse eats grass, flies bite a horse, a bird eats flies. Someone is eating someone … constantly. So much for the consumers of Life …
We absolutely need three main components: water, air and nutrients. Breathe, drink and eat.
The last time we talked about the contours: oxygen goes through the lungs, the circuit above the diaphragm. Nutrients – in the intestines, under the diaphragm. Water is in the blood; it binds them together. Читать далее
Fear of Physiotherapy or Why a person chooses a pill
- Why, when health problems occur, do people prefer the pill?
- Because it is a quick relief from the feeling of illness. From
sensations of the disease, but not from the disease itself! The disease does not go anywhere …
- Why doesn’t leave?
- Disease is a consequence. The root cause is the tension of the brain, it is chaos and confusion in thinking. Then — emotions, mostly negative. And only then comes a physical ailment.
- So, in order to cure a physical illness, you need to pacify emotions and calm the brain?
- That’s right. And also have patience, be able to expect results …
- Expect? Читать далее
- Medicine is divided into two areas: ambulance and physiotherapy. Ambulance is a surgery and chemicals, needed to provide immediate assistance. Normally, the share of this engineering medicine should be 10% of the total. And 90% should be occupied by physiotherapy, actually recovery.
But today, the world is just the opposite: engineering medicine supplanted physical therapy. And, as a result, a terrible state of health among the people of today.
Therefore, it is necessary to resurrect the knowledge about the Man, to practice physiotherapy. Otherwise … we are moving towards extinction … Or else towards a rebirth through the comprehension of the future Physiotherapy!
Why prefix «future»? -YouTube ; part1 — part2 — part3 — part4 Читать далее
Natural Oil «Grinevich’s Balzam»
Oil’s value: wealth trace elements and enzymes that enhance the protective properties of the organism; strengthen the body’s bioenergy, clean osteochondrosis, and improve the functioning of the spinal cord when rubbed into the area of the spine; well absorbed by the skin surface; do not require the use of internal. Recommended for recovery, massage and cosmetology.
Future Physiotherapy * Why physiotherapy?
* Fear of Physiotherapy or Why a person chooses a pill
* About the benefits of the Movement
* The healing power of water
* Simple and Complex
* What is unique about Massage
* Three principles of physiotherapy
* Massage wellness roadmap
* Age transition disease
* How to prevent tumor development
* Natural oils «Grinevich Balm»
* Massage system of Sergey Grinevich
* Why massage should be started from the back
* What is psoriasis and how to get rid of it
* Neck massage
2 Матеріальна і Духовна Трійця
Маємо два стільчики. Один – на чотирьох ніжках, другий – на трьох. Який із них більш універсальний у використанні?
Якщо використовувати стілець на ідеально рівній підлозі – більш стійким буде стільчик на чотирьох ніжках. А якщо винести їх з приміщення на вулицю?
Тоді – таки три ніжки…
Адже не кругом маємо ідеальні поверхні. Світ, простір, він завжди рельєфний, багатогранний, непередбачуваний, наповнений змінами…
Тому в Просторі стабільнішою буде Трійця… Читать далее