- Depression, feeling unnecessary, increased fatigue,
irritability, loss of faith in people, and sometimes in yourself …
- What happened? Why is that?
- A terrible thing — SDS, Spiritual Deficiency Syndrome … Transition Disease Age.
We understand that any changes in situations in the Biosphere, in Socium and in the climate is characterized by a weakening of the body’s defenses:
it takes a lot to survive the crisis. And as a result — ours weakness and our dissatisfaction with life …
- And what to do, how to be saved? — you ask.
- My answer is: first you need to understand that this crisis is a consequence unhealthy lifestyle, and on the physical plane — a weakening impulses going from the head along the spine to the sacrum. First, our brain is depleted by negative thoughts and problems, and how consequence — it becomes weak, unable to give a clear signal on back to internal organs. Plus osteochondrosis as a metabolic disorder substances in the back and especially in the spine. That’s why our whole system life activity is falling apart …
- What do we do, — you ask, — to restore it, this power in the back?
- I will answer: you need to remove toxins and congestion from the spinal column and from
tissues around it!
- How to do it?
- Here he is, our Savior: Back massage using natural oil! First: During the massage, we pull off excess tension from the head. We feel calmer inside: we begin to see life more clearly and its
the nuances. Second: We slag the fabrics on the back, especially around the spine. These red stripes and reddened spots that you you can observe during the massage — there are places of dislocation of diseases, stagnant sluggish inflammatory processes. They hinder the normal passage of nerve impulses to both the Organs and Muscles …
Here’s a picture … We not only weaken the muscles from the patient slagged back, but our internal organs also suffer: liver, pancreas, kidneys, heart, lungs …
And when we release the movement of nerve impulses by massage — all over again will begin to come to life, recover and this bad SDS will recede … And we we will again find peace in the soul, clarity of thought in the head and mobility - lightness in the body …
The hands of the Master and the wonderful Oil will do their good deed.
And then no social crisis and no climatic cataclysm will be scary for us …
- Where to get the Wonderful Oil, you ask?
- The answer will be in the next issue.
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«Physiology of the Future. »
Until next time, friends. 13.08.19